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Spreadsheets Are Outdated. Upgrade Your EHS Case Management.

Get a birds-eye view of your risks. Uncover and eradicate incidents before it takes root in your organization.i-Sight helps you investigate, prevent and protect your company from HIPAA compliance lapses to lower risk for your organization.

i-Sight's intake options meet the requirements of the EEOC, CCOHS, OSHA, the SEC and the DOJ 

Fraud and bribery

Code of conduct and compliance breaches

Harassment and discrimination

Safety and security issues

Use our Hotline or Integrate
Your Existing Systems

i-Sight is accessible 24/7, for immediate support in multiple languages. i-Sight’s HIPAA compliance investigation solutions are flexible and configurable and can be integrated with existing reporting systems and third-party hotlines.

Leverage your ethics and hotline data to keep a close eye on your company’s risks, assess training gaps and spot trends. When your whistleblower hotline is integrated with i-Sight’s investigative case management system your data becomes even more valuable, giving you deep insight into how misconduct are being managed and how they can be prevented.

Better Compliance Leads to Better Prevention

HIPAA compliance is more than just checking the box. A well-managed, compliant, incident and complaints intake mechanism, ethics hotline and case management solution help you uncover problems early, address them quickly and maintain a safe and ethical workplace.

One End-to-End Solution for Streamlined Investigations

Deploy one complete solution for your internal investigations, from the initial report through case assignment, investigation management, completion and reporting. i-Sight’s ethics hotline, case management and reporting functions work seamlessly to provide an end-to-end compliance solution that helps you manage and prevent misconduct.

i-Sight creates a clear, searchable record of all incidents. You can view cases by date, complaint type, status and more. Keeping an eye on aging cases helps to ensure timely resolution.


2255 Carling Ave., Suite 500
Ottawa, Ontario
K2B 7Z5

© 2022 i-Sight 





Monitor Trends and Find Opportunities for Prevention

A whistleblower hotline and intake form, along with a variety of other mechanisms for collecting incidents, are critical to an effective HIPAA program. Use your complaint and case data to generate insightful reports that pinpoint your internal risks and help you monitor external risks posed by suppliers, third parties, partners, and customers.

Pays for Itself in 7 Months So You Can Focus on Prevention

Never Miss Another Incident 

More Efficient Than Spreadsheets

Easily Collect and Analyze Data

Instant Reports at the Click of a Button

 When you combine i-Sight’s whistleblower hotline and investigative case management system your data becomes even more valuable, giving you deep insight into how corruption and misconduct are being managed and how they can be prevented.

i-Sight is a comprehensive whistleblower system customized to your organization's existing workflow. i-Sight includes all the case management tools you need into one platform, so you can better manage ethics and compliance issues.

Track the stage of each case and next steps required. Upload documents, and safely collaborate, all from a single platform.

Custom "to-do" lists ensures your workflow is being followed according to schedule. Stay compliant more easily and avoid fines.

Easily search and track records of complaints & accommodations. Find correlations so cases never slip through the cracks.

Restrict or provide access to cases with role-based access. Keep cases secure without compromising workflow.

Spot trends and generate reports with one click. Instantly see if you're hitting benchmarks to always stay compliant.

i-Sight is a comprehensive EHS case management system, bringing all of your tools to one place for better case management.

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Trusted By The World's

Top Brands

Use our Hotline or Integrate Your Existing Systems

i-Sight is accessible 24/7, for immediate support in multiple languages. i-Sight’s ethics and compliance investigation solutions are flexible and configurable and can be integrated with existing reporting systems and third-party hotlines.

Leverage your ethics and hotline data to keep a close eye on your company’s risks, assess training gaps and spot trends. When your whistleblower hotline is integrated with i-Sight’s investigative case management system your data becomes even more valuable, giving you deep insight into how corruption and misconduct are being managed and how they can be prevented.

Track the stage of each case and next steps required. Upload documents, and safely collaborate, all from a single platform.

Custom "to-do" lists ensures your workflow is being followed according to schedule. Stay compliant more easily and avoid fines.

Easily search and track records of complaints & accommodations. Find correlations so cases never slip through the cracks.

Restrict or provide access to cases with role-based access. Keep cases secure without compromising workflow.

Spot trends and generate reports with one click. Instantly see if you're hitting benchmarks to always stay compliant.

Trusted By The World's

Top Brands

i-Sight’s sophisticated reporting tool provides the data you need to make risk-based decisions. Generate comprehensive reports in dozens of formats, from pie charts to bar graphs, highlighting safety incident trends and tracking areas of risk. Geographic mapping capabilities allow you to run incident reports overlaid on Google Maps providing all the geographic incident information you need to identify high-risk locations.

i-Sight’s solutions incorporate OSHA form templates with guidelines to help you record all the information necessary to report to regulators. i-Sight makes it easy to capture incidents using smart web forms accessible on mobile devices from the office, the plant floor or a remote job site, saving valuable time and effort. Case linking and similar party alerts help you see the relationships among cases and parties.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Trusted By The World's

Top Brands

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Case Management Software for a Safe Workplace

Monitor Safety Incident Trends to Manage Risk

Smart Web Forms for Easy Incident Capture